IB-Middle Years Programme (MYP)
Sanford has been an authorized The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) since 2014. Through MYP, we provide academically rigorous instruction in all classes and supportive systems to help all students reach success.
MYP Framework Model
Notice the learner at the center of the framework model. We believe the student is at the center of everything we do at Sanford. The outermost ring shows that we want to keep international-mindedness as the purpose to everything we do for the learner.
The first ring around the middle shows important parts of the curriculum in all of our subjects: concepts, global contexts (real world applications) and approaches to teaching and learning (teaching best practices & study skills).
The next ring out shows that we value summative projects that add action and service to solve community problems. Community Project is the final project in 8th grade to combine learning from many subjects at Sanford. Personal Project is done in 10th grade at Roosevelt.
The last oragne ring shows the 8 required MYP subjects that we offer at Sanford. Design (engineering), Physical & Health Education, Arts & Language Acquisition (World Languages & ELL) are as important as subjects to teach middle school students as our traditional cores of Math, Language & Literature (English Language Arts), Sciences and Individuals & Societies (Social Studies).