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Sanford Middle School
3524 42nd Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55406

Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Student School Hours: 8:40 a.m. - 3:20 p.m.

General information & Support:  612-668-4900


Student Attendance

Students are expected to be at school every school day no later than 8:40am and attend every class. If your student will be absent for any reason, please report their absence by completing this google form or by calling in English 612-668-4923 or email or in Spanish 612-668-4912 or email Be prepared to report the following information: student name, grade, date of absence, reason for absence and your name/relationship to the student.

Student attendance is reported to the Hennepin County Attorney and truancy is supported by the Be@School Program.

An excused absence includes but is not limited to the following categories:

  • Child illness, medical, dental, orthodontic, or counseling appointments
  • Family emergencies
  • The death or serious illness or funeral of an immediate family member
  • Active duty in any military branch of the United States
  • The child has a condition that requires ongoing treatment for a mental health diagnosis
  • Pre-Approved Family Activity of up to 5 days


School Secretary Rachelle Peterson  
Office Assistant Quentin Marshall 612-668-4900
Security Monitor TBD TBD  
Naida Grussing-Neitzel 612-668-4901
Assistant Principal Bjorn Lundgren 612-408-2806
After School Coordinator Lissa Gordon 612.668.4922
Athletic Director & RA Josh Cannon  
Restorative Advocate (RA)
Social Worker Becky Wessman, LSW 612-668-4916
Health Office Lisa Kocon, RN 612-668-4934